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full maturity中文是什么意思

用"full maturity"造句"full maturity"怎么读"full maturity" in a sentence


  • 盛壮年期
  • 完全成熟


  • It was the business community's old dream of "self-regulation" brought to full maturity .
  • Bud after bud burst forth, while those already opened expanded to full maturity .
  • Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion-a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring .
  • Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion---a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring .
  • A young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity ; a teenager
  • The whole point of dzogchen meditation practice is to strengthen and stabilize rigpa and allow it to grow to full maturity
  • Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion - a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring
    没有比这更令人心旷神怡的时刻了- -这是一个风和日丽的下午,正是托斯卡纳春意盎然的季节。
  • Nothing could have been more charming than this occasion - - - a soft afternoon in the full maturity of the tuscan spring
    没有比这更令人心旷神怡的时刻了- -这是一个风和日丽的下午,正当托斯卡纳春意盎然的季节。
  • I aim to host the second tokyo olympics - a first for a non - western city - to clearly display the full maturity of tokyo against the backdrop of east asia s dramatically increased presence
  • With fully - automatic production based on thin - film sensors , developed to full maturity at tecsis , mass products with a high degree of individualisation can be offered at very economical prices
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"full maturity"造句  


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